Archive for the ‘News’ Category


Fuck you, DC. Seriously, fuck you.


Men Applaud Slim and Sexy Lobo

Designed by Kenneth Roccafort, this new Lobo is all stud and sexiness. Rather than riding a motorcycle and hunting bounties, we imagine this Lobo prefers to read Laurell K. Hamilton vampire erotica novels in his room with all the shades drawn while burning incense.  He’s got the biceps of a man who knows his way around the bedroom, style that rivals Ralph Lauren’s, and windblown hair that makes me a little weak in the knees.



Lobo: Highway to Hell #2 is out


Lobo: Highway to Hell #2 (of 2) came out this week. #1 was… okay. I really wish DC would get Sam Kieth away from Lobo and convince Keith Giffen or Alan Grant to come back.  He just doesn’t get Lobo at all.


Lobo: Highway to Hell #1 is out


Lobo: Highway to Hell #1Lobo: Highway to Hell #1 (of 2) is out this week (in the U.S.A., anyway). It’s written by Scott Ian (the rhythm guitarist for Anthrax) and drawn by Sam Kieth. It’s prestige format, so it’ll set you back $6.99 USD.

Supposedly, Lobo goes to hell and takes on Satan himself. Not sure if this ties in at all with Reign in Hell or not, but really, who cares? Lobo kicking ass is all I need, and it has to be better than Batman/Lobo: Deadly Serious, which was awful, IMHO.


Iconic Lobo Covers


Comics Should Be Good! published their list of the Top Five Most Iconic Lobo Covers. Some good ones, although I think the Lobo, vol. 2, #1 cover should’ve made the list.


Guy Ritchie to direct Lobo movie


According to Variety, Guy Ritchie is set to direct a Lobo movie.

I have mixed feelings about this, especially since they’re aiming for a PG-13 rating.


Bastich, Inc. is now a blog


Due to the impending collapse of GeoCities, I’ve moved Bastich, Inc. to a WordPress blog.

Give me some time to move and convert stuff over.